Did you know that Magic: The Gathering is the most popular tabletop card game today? Starting in 1993, it now has 21 core sets in its gaming universe and over 20,000 cards that you can use to build your decks.
If you are interested in jumping into one of the most popular battle strategy games, start your training with Magic: The Gathering Arena. It is the online version of the beloved tabletop game that you can enjoy when your playgroup is not available for a traditional game.
Play standard format to learn about cards from the most recent sets. Modern features cards from cards since the Eighth Edition set’s release. Try a standard or historic brawl to build an army around a specific card designated as your commander.
As you learn a new trading card game, you can enjoy betFIRST Sport as a fun gaming option you may already know about.
1. Understand How to Cast Spells
To cast spells, you must have what is called mana. Mana comes from the land cards that are in your opening hand or what you draw from your deck during your turn. You can play one land card each turn.
Let’s talk about spell casting. If you want to cast an Arcane Signet, which is a two-drop colorless artifact card that allows you to tap the card and add any one color of mana, you need to tap any two colors of your mana to cast the spell.
Say that you want to cast a Negate, an instant card that helps you to counter a noncreature spell. You would have to tap one color of any mana and one blue mana to cast the card. This means that a spell your opponent casts, except creature spells, can be negated as if it was never cast for lack of a better word
2. Complete the Tutorial
A tutorial takes you through a bot match so you can learn the mechanics of the different cards available to play. For example, creature cards line your battlefield with the defense you need to ward off the other creatures on your opponent’s side of the battlefield.
Instant and sorcery cards are additional options for interacting with the battlefield. An instant card allows you to cast at any time whether on your turn or an opponent’s turn. A sorcery card can only be cast during your turn.
3. Understand the Mechanics
There are so many cards in Magic: The Gathering that it can be overwhelming at first to mold a specific theme around a deck you want to build. However, start by reading as many cards as you can. Discover which mechanics speak to you such as vigilance, trample, death touch, and life link.
- Vigilance: The creature stays untapped when it attacks.
- Lifelink: When you deal combat damage or block with this creature, you gain life equal to its power.
- Deathtouch: If another creature blocks a creature that has death touch, it will annihilate the opposing creature.
- Trample: If your creature has higher power than a creature that blocks it, any remaining damage will carry over to reduce the controlling player’s life points.
4. Try Out the Precon Decks to See Synergistic Deck Mechanics
When you start your MTG Arena journey, you will be given precon decks to help you learn how to play the game. Precon means that they have been pre-constructed for you to use right away without having to build the deck yourself. Playing precon decks can help you see how different cards are synergistic together to increase the overall value of your cards and can produce a home-field advantage against your opponent.
5. Choose a Deck Theme When Building Your Own
Once you are comfortable with how to cast spells and how the card abilities work, choose a theme that you want when building a deck yourself. When choosing a theme, you have to think of your desired win condition.
Do you want to outvalue your opponents by reducing their life total as you gain life points? Maybe you prefer fast play with ramp spells that increase mana in your pool more quickly to cast creatures with larger power. The possibilities are endless in the way you can win in Magic: The Gathering.
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