If you’re working off of a tight budget when it comes to your monthly income, you might feel like you simply don’t have any wiggle-room for self-care. But to help yourself to not get burnt out and to find joy in your life, self-care is vital. Luckily, there are a few things you might be able to try to help you stick to your budget while still being able to practice self-care.
To help you see how this can be done, here are three tips for finding money in your budget for self-care. Cl. Mm mmc
Use Your Credit Card Rewards
For those who really are maxed out on their budget, there are a few ways that you can put your money and your spending to work for you so that you can get a little extra doing what you’re already having to do with your money.
With the right credit cards, and even some debit cards, you can get rewards such as cash back or points that you can put toward certain purchases. These rewards are generated from you spending money from your account, which you’re going to have to do anyway. So if you are able to take these rewards and put that money toward periodic self-care, you’ll be spending money on self-care that you made from simply paying your bills or buying groceries that you were already having to buy anyway.
Make Self-Care More Intentional
One reason why you might feel like you never have money in your budget for bigger self-care items is because you’re doing too much unintentional self-care on a daily basis.
While it can feel nice to get yourself a cup of coffee in the morning rather than making your own at home, the money you could save on this coffee could quickly be enough to pay for a massage or other bigger self-care item you’ve been wanting. But to have these funds available to you for self-care, you’ll have to be more intentional with other discretionary spending.
Consider Adding Self-Care Straight Into Your Budget
Another thing you could try if you’re wanting to have some consistent money to put toward self-care each week or month is to add it straight into your budget. By making self-care a line-item that you’re budgeting for each week or month, you’re much more likely to actually make it happen.
If you’re wondering how much to put toward self-care from your paycheck, experts agree that about five percent should be enough to help you feel like you’re being rewarded without putting too much strain on your overall budget.
If you’re wanting to put more of a focus on self-care, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you find money for this in your budget.
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