Friendships are always long lasting and add to the fun of life and its colours. We all have different hobbies and we make different friends while pursuing those respective hobbies. The friends made while doing something you love become even closer friends. Ever since online gaming has been introduced in the online world, online friendship has been a very significant factor in bringing players close together. From physically going out with friends to gaming cafes and lounges to have a gaming day out to having some online friends who you have never met but can never part form are some new aspects of online gaming.
Most of the online friends that you would meet on the Internet or online gaming industry would never be able to meet you live face to face nor would you able to dine or lunch together, but you would find yourself most of the times online on skype or the respective games with each other. This friendship has very deep roots as playing online games together deepens the friendship roots and increases the trust level. Your friends who you made during your high school, in your street or even those friends which you made while playing slots together on New UK Casino etc. will be literally pooled aside by you once you realize that PUBG friendships are much more tactical and fun. Research has shown that friendships developed during gaming sessions in both physical and computer games are long lasting as their roots are based on mutual interests and would have long lasting effects on the players. The beauty of online gaming is that these friendships vary as per the games. Friendships made on FIFA would have a different level of understanding as compared to friends that are made on Call of duty or Battlefield.
PUBG is the new addition to hit list of online games and has taken the gaming industry by storm. It is full action packed and thrilling game in which the beauty is that the outcome is never defined i.e. You would pass through a bridge in the game and every time the outcomes would be different. The presence of 100 players in the map would mean that every time you land in the game it would have a new outcome with different experience. The maps of PUBG are a few Kilometres in size which makes the game very interesting and at moments boring when you have to navigate through the map alone on foot. Trouble comes when you engage another team of friends who are playing together and then they try to out manoeuvre you in all aspects. Then you feel that you should have a friend who should cover your back and provide you with lot of cover. This addition of a friend in your squad makes gameplay even more fun which is explained below
You can either play PUBG with your real life friends or play it online with random people and if you like it then add them as your friends just like you do on Facebook and other social sites. To play with your real life friends it is an even better experience because you get to see your bestie in the squad mode and get to have his support and cover in real terms. Sitting sessions are no longer boring with your college and other friends. Just get together, settle somewhere down, turn on your mobiles and you are ready to go to make your squad and have some hefty adventure with action filled kills in the maps of PUBG.
The best part is landing up with strangers in PUBG while the squads are being made. Basically there are three modes, the single mode, the duo mode and the squad mode. If you are a long wolf then you can choose the single mode, if you hunt in pairs then duo mode is the right choice for you and if you want to hunt in a pack then select the squad mode. If you are playing with random people then PUBG servers will link you with random people from other countries in your squad who will be a lot of fun to play with. There you get to know new people, how they play, their skills, their different cultures and styles of playing. That understanding developed during those small rounds make PUBG gameplay a lot of fun and even more exciting. You would find yourself either using the pre built dialogues or using voice chat to communicate your concerns with other players. Voice chat is found much better as a communication medium but most of the people in your squad would prefer using the pre built dialogues.
No long do you have to worry about getting shot from your back because you now have a permanent buddy who you just added from in your friend list and can always add up to your squad whenever you are up for a match. Now you can take on squads and teams head on and hunt them down like they used to hunt you down while you were single. Now your buddy will cover you while you move through those intense built up areas. No longer you need to worry while sprinting in the fields as your buddy sitting on the mountain top behind you got you covered with his AWM sniper rifle. These are just some of the perks of having a buddy by your side in PUBG and how it changes the gameplay experience of PUBG if you get to have close friends in your squad. Instead of running here and there like bots now squads are proper killing teams who hunt for the kill. So don’t play alone from now, try to find your close buddies on PUBG and take them along so that you might also make your very own Killing Team who nobody dares to fire at because they know if they open fire on this team then they are gone. Best of luck young warrior!
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