The global box office revenue reached $49 billion last year, with Hollywood studios bringing in over $10 billion from domestic ticket sales alone. In 2015, the US was the biggest market for movie tickets, followed by China and India. Let’s see in the article below the importance of movies in our lives.
Movie theatres are important
They give us a break from everyday life, a change of scenery and sometimes even entertainment. There is an incredible selection of movies on Netflix or Amazon Prime today that you can stream whenever you want to watch them. But it’s still nice to go out and experience the cinema, especially if you have never been before!
Movies make us laugh
Whether it’s comedies like Anchorman or romantic comedies such as When Harry Met Sally and many more, we often find ourselves laughing hysterically while watching movies. Even if you don’t think you’re funny at all, movies are fun because you can use your imagination here. Laughter is contagious, so when you start cracking up, everyone else will be too.
Movies provide escapism
People love going away to magical places and experiencing another world. They also enjoy seeing how other people live. If you’re trying to escape real-life problems or simply need some time to relax and rejuvenate, then why not turn off reality for two hours? You might decide to take a trip back in time and relive your favourite 80s adventure! Or maybe you’d rather visit a space station full of aliens… Well, maybe not aliens but starships.
Movies help teach valuable lessons
Kids who learn about good character traits like honesty, bravery, perseverance and respect from great characters in their favourite movies develop skills and values that have helped them succeed in everything they do. For example, let’s say you are reading this right now and thinking to yourself ‘I wonder what type of person I am. Then after reading these words, you’ll probably put down the book, open your eyes to the world around you and think ‘Hmm, maybe I should become more honest with myself so that I can improve my life.’
In conclusion, movies are incredibly powerful and influential. And despite being popular worldwide, each country has its own culture and style of filmmaking. So one day, you could be watching a German comedy and the next a Hong Kong action movie or play real money pokies games! Which sounds crazy, but it’s true!